
undefined Ryan Gazet Du Chattelier
Nachname Du Chattelier
Vorname Ryan Gazet
Künstlername -
Geburtsdatum 17.02.1991
Jahrgang 1991
Grösse 196
Nationalität Australien, Deutschland, Südafrika, Simbabwe
Position Sturm,Mittelstürmer
Verein Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
A-Nationalspieler nein
Webseite -
Zugriffe 12542
Ryan Gazet Du Chattelier

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Info: Ryan was born in South Africa to a German mother and a Rhodesian father. His family emigrated to Melbourne in Australia in 1998. His father was stateless as the Zimbabwean regime refused to renew his nationality, his father currently holds a South African passport with the hope of obtaining an Australian one. Both parents were born in Southern Rhodesia. Ryan represented NSW in volleyball. He has one older sister called Natassha. As a result of the situation in Zimbabwe Ryan has family connections across most of the world, and is a truly international child. (Fremdeingabe)

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